Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Uglies - Pretties - Specials - Extras

I recently decided to go back and reread Scott Westerfield's Uglies series.  I forgot how much I love those books.  The journey of Tally, a young girl constantly being manipulated and changed by the government, shows that you can overcome anything if you try.  It also raises the question of whether or not people should be allowed to be free thinkers, if it risks the destruction of the natural world.  Tally faces some impossible choices, and comes out a strong, dedicated young woman who takes the harder road to see things through to the best conclusion.

Friday, December 7, 2012


Okay, so I started reading Obsidian today.  The book is about a girl who moves to a small town, and ends up next door to two aliens disguised as humans (of course).  The main girl, Katey, takes an immediate dislike to the brother, Daemon, while also striking up an instant friendship with his twin sister, Dee.  She eventually finds out that they are aliens, and ends up having to stick close to Daemon for awhile.

So far, I am really enjoying this book.  The feelings between Daemon and Katey teeter between hate and passion, and they often exchange witty, heated words.  Katey holds her own against him, even after finding out that he is an alien.  She does make a few stupid choices, which I generally dislike in books, but the fact that Daemon was being bossy and trying to force her to make the right choice makes her acts of rebellion inevitable, as she works to show him that she can take care of herself, thank you very much.


I decided to start this blog as a sort of constant book review.  As I read books, I will write about them here. Anyone is free to share their thoughts on the books I read, or share other books they have enjoyed.